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Fixing Security Screens to Aluminium Windows

Face Fixing Security Screens to Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows come as two basic operational types: a double home up and down vertical style window, and a left to right sliding sash style.

Fundamentally there are two ways to fit security screens to aluminium windows: the first is directly on the face of the window and the second is into the recess provided by the manufacturer to hold flyscreens.

Fitting to the face of an aluminium window is relatively easy. First we need to establish that this is a security screen and therefore needs to be fixed so as not to be removed. If it is easily removed by you, it is easily removed by an unwanted intruder. At Seconline we manufacture two types of window screens or security grilles: 316 marine grade stainless steel security screens and 7mm diamond screens. All of these screens come standard with a 11mm outer frame that is designed to fit exactly where existing insect or fly screens were.

Given the fact that they are 11mm in thickness, to face fix is the simplest method and the best method is to rivet directly through this hollow 11mm section and into the outer aluminium window frame. A 15 mm grip range rivet is used with a 3mm diameter. If you are coastal it is advisable to use stainless steel rivets. Drilling is done with a 3 or 3.5mm drill bit. The amount of fixing required is variable upon the amount of security required. The usual guide is to place rivets 200mm to 300mm apart. It is not wise to drill within 50mm from the corners as there is a solid corner stake joining the horizontal widths to the vertical lengths.

Another method of fixing is to use a security type screw. Sometimes these are available at better hardware stores or locksmiths stores. Pan torx screws are also available at some hardware stores and can offer another screw-type fixing option. These are a particular screw that require a special driver bit. Another method is to fit with existing Phillips head screws and to drill out the head of the screw so as to make removal difficult.

Recess Fixing Security Screens to Aluminium Windows

Fitting or fixing security screens to aluminium windows is best done if possible by using the existing recess provided by the window manufacturer for the flyscreens or insect screens. Fly screens and insect screens are generally 11mm thick and so are all of the grilles or security screens made by Seconline. The difficult part in the fitting of a security grill in comparison to a fly screen is that they are not as flexible. The outer frame is much more rigid and will be more difficult to fix. If there is any doubt as to the ability to flex the security screen then a face fix option should be considered.

Anchoring the Seconline Security Window Screens once they are located in the window recess is usually done by using pop rivets. This can be done either from the back of the screen or the front. Obviously it is more aesthetically pleasing to have it from the back and would be the most secure option as fixing is less able to be tampered with from the outside. Small screws may also be used; however, they are not recommended as they can be more easily removed.

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