Well, 2014 is now over and 2015 has just begun. What a wonderful year we have had and hopefully an equally wonderful year has begun.
Many of our valued customers here at Seconline have been gracious in their best wishes for us and the testimonials we have had throughout the year have been just fantastic. We have been able to increase the level of safety and awareness with our products through our blogs and all the advice that we have given out through the year has been graciously accepted.
As we enter this new year, being one hundred since we stepped foot on Gallipoli, we are mindful of the sacrifices that have taken place to give us our freedom and our ability to grow and flourish in the relative safety of a wonderful country such as Australia. One can only hope that reflection during this year of the horrendous atrocities that happened during both the first and second World Wars will remind us and all the world leaders to never repeat this dark patch in our history.
On a brighter note, one can only feel optimistic regarding the coming year based on the year we’ve just had. At Seconline we have managed to more than double our previous year’s production capacity and have ended the year with all orders promised being delivered on time and with very minimal damage received in transit. As we move forward into the new year we aim to maintain our promise to our customers to expedite our orders within seven days of receiving them. Any exception to this rule will be well managed by the support staff here at Seconline.
This year may herald the introduction of more products to the already popular lines of security doors and security window screens. We hope to have a complete brand-new range of 316 Marine grade stainless steel security screen doors and security window screens available before the end of this financial year. Our design team have worked feverishly and testing is well underway; results at this point are extremely encouraging.
Developments in our locks are also expected some time early this year. Three-point locks are now the most popular locking system we have available and further development with improvements on this locking system are on track; again, results at this point are most encouraging.
The introduction of midge mesh in 2014 has proven to be extremely popular, particularly in areas where sand flies are prolific, such as North Queensland, Darwin and the Kimberley coast. Other areas where midge mesh has been a welcome addition to the optional screen range for all our barrier doors and 7mm diamond doors, as well as insect screens, is on farmhouses where small insects penetrate standard fibreglass mesh and insect screens attracted by light. These insects do not seem as prolific in built-up areas, but seem attracted to single lonely lights. No negative feedback has been received in regard to restrictions and airflow; however, one certainly would expect that this may be the case given the reduction in the size of the mesh.
Another positive development in 2014 was the speedy delivery times that were achieved by Star Track Express and we are grateful to this valued business partner for the fast and reliable service that they have provided. Particular congratulations goes out to the Star Track Express guys here in Mudgee who have shown consistent and flexible service to us here at the factory.
In closing, Seconline would like to wish all of their very valued customers a wonderful, prosperous and Happy New Year.