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Retractable Fly Screens

In Australia one thing that we have in abundance is insects, particularly in summer where the need for fresh air is greater and the need for fresh air greater. There are many methods for keeping these insects outside of our homes. We can spray insecticides throughout our home to kill the existing insects, however this isnā€™t the ideal as it only acts as a temporary solution. We can have 240 V automatic insecticide spraying apparatuses. Again this is costly and only works while ever there is a chemical present in the air.

Using Insect Screens on the windows and doors is a great solution which works very well. This allows fresh air to penetrate your home whilst keeping the insects outside. Insects are very problematic in the summertime particularly so on those hot dark nights when your lights on inside and insects are attracted by those lights. Self-closing Insect Screen Doors both in a Sliding and Hinged situations are ideal as they will close behind you after each entry or exit by using a Door Closer.

Not all situations can be insect proofed by using Sliding and Hinged Insect Screen Doors. In the case of by folding and sliding stacker style doors it is very difficult to fit standard Sliding Insect Doors. There may be issues with tracking and also with stack back room. In the case of Hinged Insect Screen Doors there may be little or no room to hinge the door back as there may be an obstacle or a wall or something that diminishes the space that is allowable. Also it just may not be desire to have a hinged door in that situation.

One possible solution that may be applicable is Retractable Fly Screens. There are many companies that make Retractable Fly Screens. Some are available as a one size fits all from hardware stores. This would mean you would buy an oversized product and simply follow the instructions and cut it to fit. You can also purchase from some companies retractable Fly Screens custom made.

Retractable Fly Screens have obvious benefits. The first would be that they would retract into some form of cassette case either on either side or overhead. This also gives the benefit of being able to completely retract when not in use.

Retractable Flight Screens also have some very obvious disadvantages. The first and most obvious is their lack of structural strength. In most cases the operation of the retractable fly screen relies on some type of spring within the cassette box to retract. This spring can become tired and worn after a period of time and allow the mesh to come loose and floppy. In cases where the light is relatively the same on both sides of the retractable Fly Screen such as in twilight, the inability you be able to see the fly screen makes it easy to walk into.

Most vertical left to right style retractable Fly screens will need a bottom guide and this can present a trip hazard. Because of the light nature of the insects screening material it is not friendly to pets as it can be damaged easily.

Most Retractable fly screen do not self-close.

At Seconline we manufacture and shipped direct to the public Insect Screens and Insect Doors to our customerā€™s exact specifications. We also make a variety of Security Screens Doors and Screens made to our customers exact specifications and ship direct to their address anywhere throughout Australia.

At this point in time it is Seconlineā€™s view that if possible, a Screen Door or Insect screen would be best is a solid product either sliding or hinged, however we recognise that there will be applications where this is not possible and a Retractable Fly Screen may be the only solution.

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